Relaxing with your dog(s)!
Yes. RELAXING is part of our training. Rufus here has a huge fear of cars. So we are learning to"chil-lax" next to the busy road. ...

Leash Training your dog!
Does your dog pull you down the street? Leash pulling can actually be extremely dangerous. Some people have broken bones, sprained...

Guests visiting your home with hyper dogs!
How many of you have dogs that rush the door when you have guests over? This is a very common issue that most people have. Most the dogs...
Teaching your dog rules
Are you on a roller coaster with your dog? Rufus came to us because he had bitten 3 people, all in different situations. He also didn't...

How to stop a dog/puppy from chewing random objects.
Tips on getting your puppy to stop chewing on random things -The first thing is to WATCH them. Puppies are just like infants that can...