Teaching your dog to control his impulses!
Have you ever had a dog that just rushes through the front door when you open it, or jump in the car the second the door opens, or shoves...

Do you ignore bad behavior in hopes it will go away
Day 10 of How to Ruin Your Dog. Do you ignore bad behavior in hopes it will just go away? Whenever you have a dog who growls, barks,...

Does love for your dog actually get in the way of his well-being?
Day 9 of How to Ruin Your Dog. Does love for your dog actually get in the way of his well-being? Have you ever heard of the saying "Tough...

Is your voice always in a soft tone?
Day 8 of How to Ruin Your Dog. Is your voice always in a soft tone? When we were kids and our parents would correct us, they always...

Do you reward your dog for accomplishing tasks given?
Day 7 of How to Ruin Your Dog Do you reward your dog for accomplishing tasks given? When we have a job, we take breaks to rejuvenate....

Are your tools for your dog being used incorrectly?
Day 6 of How to Ruin Your Dog. Are your tools for your dog being used incorrectly? When we use tools to aid in the training of our dogs,...

Are you his best friend or his leader first?
Daily dog training tip #5. Are you his best friend or his leader first? When you have a new boss, you immediately do not become friends...

Can you give your dog to much love?
Daily dog training tip #4. To much love, affection, and freedom with not enough structure and balance. We all love to love on our dogs. A...

Allowing your dog to be in your bubble 24/7
Daily dog training tip #3. Allowing your dog to be in your bubble 24/7 When a dog has full on access to you and your personal space,...

How to help an insecure or nervous dog
Daily dog training tip #2. It's human nature for most of us to want to nurture what we love. Babying or nurturing an insecure or nervous...