Where is your State of Mind?

Where is your State of Mind?
Staying calm, confident and assertive isn't just for dogs. It can be practiced in everyday life. People, just like dogs, will mimic the personality that's around them. Have you ever heard "smiles are contagious" or "if mama ain't happy, no ones happy"? That's because behaviors/emotions are contagious. Put yourself around happy people and you will be happy, put yourself around angry/ depressed people and you will become depressed, if your nervous, other people around you will become nervous. So pay attention to how you feel, what your emotions are, and what your state of mind is. Surround yourself by awesome people. Stay calm and confident. You never know, just by changing yourself, you may be able to change how your dog behaves. When we are trying to train our dogs, we sometimes focus to much on the basic commands such as sit, stay, lay down, etc. At times, we miss one of the most important keys to training our dogs. State of Mind. We have to train ourselves before we can train our dogs. Understanding and feeling how our dogs are reacting to us is key. Staying focused and calm is key. Consistency is key. Being in the right State of Mind is key! Visit Our Facebook for more tips!