Does love for your dog actually get in the way of his well-being?

Day 9 of How to Ruin Your Dog.
Does love for your dog actually get in the way of his well-being?
Have you ever heard of the saying "Tough Love". Sometimes we have to have tough love when it comes to the well-being of our dogs. We hear so many times, "I don't know if I can be away from my dog for that long" or "I don't know if my dog can handle being away from me for that long". Having to much love can do more harm for your dog, than good. Think of it as sending your child to college. You send your child to college to better his education. Yes you will miss him, but you know it's for his own good. When you send your dog to training, you are bettering his well-being. Yes you will miss him, but you know it's for his own good. Seeking the right treatment will be healthier for you and your dog in the long run.
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